Wala'a Nezar | Welcome

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My Final Project Idea

Wall hanged Arab world map, each country area lights up interactively with country selection from a mobile app connected with the map using Bluetooth, just like yakko’s great song!. The concept simply depends on the RGB matrix panel that lays down under the acrylic sheet, and each certain set of pins forms a country area.

you can find the detailed description for everything I did for the final project in the tracking page under the final project tab.

Questions And Answers

  • What it will do ?

    • When selecting the country name in the mobile app The area of each selected country lights up in different colors RGB.
    • The whole map can light in white or RGB colors as a lighting system.
    • Touch button in the map, sarts a RGB LEDs dancing pattern.
    • Ability to create a user profile to save the VISITED ARAB COUNTRIES for each user.
    • Interactive Voice says pre recorded informations about the selected country, after it turns ON.

  • Who's done what beforehand?

    • I have done an extensive research and most projects are about making only larg display panels and doesn't have the interactive features that my project will have.

  • What will you design?

    • hardware

      The outer shape of the map, which consists of 3 layers. the first layer from black and white acrylic, it’s the front layer and the only layer that appears to the user. The second layer is the 3d printed boarders between the countries areas. The third layer is the back which has all the LEDs and electronics components.

      Also I will design an enclosure for the electronics components to be all gathered in one hidden place .

    • Controller and Networking Board

    • LED Matrix .

    • The touch sensor schematic.

    • GUI Application Mobile or PC.

  • What materials and components will be used?

    • ATmega microcontroller.

    • mp3 player sheild.

    • 120 RGB LED.

    • Resistors.

    • FTDI.

    • 40_Watt power supply.

    • pin Headers and Wires.

    • Capacitors and Regulator.

    • black and white 3_mm acrylic.

    • Mounting screws.

    • adhesive.

  • Where will the material come from?and How much will they cost?

    Component / Material Source Cost
    ATmega microcontroller LAB 2JOD
    mp3 player sheild MicroElectrone (Online Store) 16JOD
    Addressable RGB LED Strips (Online Store) 10 JOD/Meter
    Resistors LAB 3JOD
    40_Watt power supply available in the LAB 15JOD
    pin Headers and Wires LAB 1JOD
    Capacitors and Regulator LAB 3JOD
    black and white 3_mm acrylic LAB 45JOD
    Mounting screws Local Stores 5 JOD
    adhesive LAB 2JOD
    Total --- 120JOD///160$
  • What parts and systems will be made?

    • Controlling system with blutooth communications.

    • the Hardware Making and assembly.

    • Programming and coding.

  • What processes will be used?

    • Laser Cutting: for the acrylic boards in the first and third layers. the first layer will be made by cutting 2 boards of acrylic (black and white) by the same Map DXF files, snap fit the outer area from the black board to the lands area from the white board.

    • 3D printing: the boarders between the countries should be 3cm height to have the best light diffusion under the white acrylic sheet, so I printed the separated for each country and glued them together to make the full map area.

    • Electronics Design and Production:

      The controlling board that will controll all the system using the ATmega microcontroller.

    • Embedded Programming: programming my board using the ISP I made in the Electrinics Production Week.

    • Output Devices: the Light and Sound systems.

    • Interface and Application programming :

      to design the mobile application that will be used to controll the map using bluetooth.

    • Networking and Communications:

      the bluetooth system.

  • What questions need to be answered?

    • Which Microcontroller?
      • I think the ATMega32 will be enough to control the LEDs and the Mp3 plyer sheild.

    • The addressable RGB LED... through hole ? or surface Mount ? or strips?

    • Voice feature from the device or the pc/Mobile ?
      • the Mp3 plyer Sheild will solve this problem.

    • Bluettoth or Wi_Fi ?
      • the I selected the bluetooth because the application do not need controlling from far dictances.

  • How will it be evaluated?

    • Aesthetic shape: since it's a decorative object, it should look very good.

    • Entertainment: using this map should be fun and pleasurable experiment.

    • Responsive : it meant to be interactive. which means each time you select a country name, it's area should light up and a prerecorded voice starts talking about that country.